Building Articulation Day - Friday, September 4
7:30 am Faculty Meeting- Auditorium
8:30 am PLC Teams Meet to work on SLO’s
Yearbook and ID pictures at assigned times (UPDATED - See below...)
11:30 am Lunch on Your Own
12:30 pm EpiPen Refresher Course for all Main Building staff (Auditorium)
12:50 pm PLC Team time
- Continue SLO work
- Meet up in Main LMC for Google Sites work (Steve Wick and Melissa Wilson will be on hand to help out)
2:35 pm Adjourn
8:30 am PLC Teams Meet to work on SLO’s
Yearbook and ID pictures at assigned times (UPDATED - See below...)
11:30 am Lunch on Your Own
12:30 pm EpiPen Refresher Course for all Main Building staff (Auditorium)
12:50 pm PLC Team time
- Continue SLO work
- Meet up in Main LMC for Google Sites work (Steve Wick and Melissa Wilson will be on hand to help out)
2:35 pm Adjourn
Picture Schedule
7:00am - Main Office
8:30am - Houses/Deans/SROs
8:50am - Guidance/Nurse
9:10am - Special Education
9:50am - Math
10:15am - PHD
10:30am - Social Studies
10:45am - Business Education
11:00am - World Language/EL
11:15am - Fine Arts
1:00pm - English
1:20pm - Science
1:40pm - LMC
2:00pm - Media/TEE/FACS
2:15pm - IT
2:30pm - Maintenance/Custodial
7:00am - Main Office
8:30am - Houses/Deans/SROs
8:50am - Guidance/Nurse
9:10am - Special Education
9:50am - Math
10:15am - PHD
10:30am - Social Studies
10:45am - Business Education
11:00am - World Language/EL
11:15am - Fine Arts
1:00pm - English
1:20pm - Science
1:40pm - LMC
2:00pm - Media/TEE/FACS
2:15pm - IT
2:30pm - Maintenance/Custodial