Professional Learning Management System Transition
The District is transitioning from one Professional Learning management system (True North Logic to another (KickUp). The KickUp application will be available on your SSO Dashboard beginning on September 30, 2022.
Over the next few months we will be transferring historical data that goes back 5 years from TNL to KickUp. In effort to minimize data transfer errors or losing information important to your licensure we are asking that you do the following: Step 1 - PD Hours: You must access TNL to complete all your outstanding surveys in TNL by November 21. Any surveys (and credits) not completed in TNL will not transfer to the new system. For license renewal purposes, you only need 5 years of PD hours since your last renewal. Are all my surveys complete?
Step 2 - IPSD Academy hours: Do I have IPSD Academy Credits that I would like to convert to graduate hours (32 IPSD Academy Hours=1 Grad Credit)?
Step 3 - Graduate Credits (if applicable): I am currently taking or planning on taking graduate level courses. What do I need to do now?
Step 4 - Transcripts: Review your Transcripts and print or PDF for your records by November 21. TNL is currently working to resolve a technical glitch. Please hold off on attempting to email yourself a .pdf at this time. We will notify you when this is resolved.
For Future Retirees: Follow directions in Step 1 and enter all your completed course information in your ELIS account. You will want to make sure your PD hours are submitted and up to date before you retire to keep your licensure post-retirement. Reference ISBE 23 ILLINOIS ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 25 25.800 SUBTITLE A SUBCHAPTER b (Page 264) Fall Courses: In the short term, we will be releasing courses that start before Oct. 1 or require early registration using Google Forms. You may view the available courses in this section. Once the system is active, anyone that is registered for a current course using Google Forms will be auto-rostered in KickUp. On September 30th, all newly released courses will be available to register in the new system, KickUp. |
Transition TIMELINESeptember 30th
October 1st First opportunity to submit College Course approval requests in KickUp. Directions and process is forthcoming. The Course Approval Process will be documented in KickUp in the “Out of District Event Request” section. Check out some additional information here. November 21st Last opportunity to complete all your surveys in TNL. Print or Save (Via PDF) your transcript and certificates. December-February 5 years of historical data will be transferred from TNL to KickUp. Staff will still have access to TNL, but no new information will be loaded or transferred from TNL. February 28, 2023 Access to TNL will no longer be available. March 1, 2023 KickUp will be the sole Professional Learning System moving forward. Please Note: There is an “Out of District Event Request” portion in KickUp. This portion will replace the “College Course Approval” portion in True North Logic. You will request college course approval in KickUp with similar guidelines and timelines. This portion in KickUp is NOT to be used to request attendance or PD hours for an out of district conference. |